It’s that time again! Like Spring cleaning, I go through my Career To-Do List every few months.
First off, I’m a HUGE list person. I went to Rite-Aid this week just to buy new notepads. I had seen them a few weeks back and they are just perfect! They’re the right size to fit into my hand bag and the line-spacing is on-point, ha! My brain tends moves at 60-knots-a-second and I must have a pen and paper handy when creative ideas jump out at me from seemingly thin air. And with my triple but intertwined career path – pharmacist, personal chef, and new lifestyle model/acting trainee – I need a place to compartmentalize so I don’t get confused.
So I’ve made my Fall To-Do list, which will carry me till the end of 2013.
1. Do acting demo tape
2. Complete 2 more SCC promo videos for a total of 3
3. Collaborate on cooking projects with other chefs, artists, etc.
4. Continue with on-camera exposure – auditions, photos shoots, training, etc
5. Secure pharmacy intern position*
6. Update my treatment to include new marketing info & budget
7. Contact local media to share my story (carry over from Summer To-Do list)
8. Work on collaborations to offer specials to my subscribers
*With my site so focused on cuisine it’s easy to forget the pharmacy side. It’s been a year since I’ve practiced pharmacy but it’s still a big part of me and Savvy Chic Cuisine. After all, the unique twist to my show will be the savvy health and nutrition insight that I can provide from my pharmacy background so I better well be a pharmacist, shouldn’t I?
on’t you send one in, too?
P.S. If you have any great suggestions to add to Savvy Chic Cuisine’s Fall To-Do List, send me a note through my site, Facebook, Twitter, or e-mail!