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  • Writer's pictureRuby Deubry

RECIPE: Basil Air

Recipe from the Savvy Chic Cuisine dish CANNELLINI BEANS WITH SMOKED HAM HOCK, Pan-Seared Scallops, Caramelized Bok Choy, Microgreens and Basil Air.

Savvy Tip: For the best results, serve the foam soon after blending the mixture. You can leave the lecithin in the scented water for a few hours until you are ready for blending.


1 large bunch basil, washed

1 cup (approx. 250 g) water

1.5 g soy lecithin (0.6 % of the weight of the liquid)


  1. Bring the water to a boil and add the basil. Lower the heat and let the basil simmer in the water for a few minutes. Remove from the heat.

  2. Using a pestle or end of a large wooden spoon, bruise the basil and let the mixture steep for 10 minutes.

  3. Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve and add the lecithin to the liquid.

  4. When ready to serve, blend the mixture with an immersion blending until a foam develops

  5. Let the foam sit for a few minutes to stabilize, then spoon a tablespoon onto your dish.

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