I am writing this with sincerity. Hopefully, it is received with the love that it is meant.
Let me start by saying I'm proudly Caribbean; Antigua is my home and soul. But, in the 7 years I’ve lived in Redmond, I’ve found a love for my adopted country.
So I am disturbed and heartbroken. By the killings; the pain; the racism; the disparity; the desire – and failure – to be heard.
Fears I never grew up with now seep into my mind daily. I hate that fear and I fight it for the love of my daughter and every other parent, brother, sister, friend, and supporter who fights for change.
Injustices do not remain isolated cases. The ripples spread, causing dozens of cracks until countries break. For all our evolution, have we not learned? Can we not do better? Be better?
Empowerment moves nations forward – not backward. Think before you act. Understand before you fear.